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Is Kramer & Kaslow Krup Law Group.Are they scammer
10/18/2010 11:19 AM (PST)
Is Kramer and Kaslow the same as Krup law firm in orange County Ca.Also how well r they at modifcation
10/18/2010 1:25 PM (PST)
Hi Diane,
Kramer and Kazlow has received several serious complaints filed against them. Complainants allege unfulfilled contracts relating to loan modification and other foreclosure related services, misrepresentation concerning their ability to provide services, and inability to obtain refunds of fees paid in advance. Customers complain that retainer fees paid to the company were not earned. Complainants report the company failed to negotiate loan modifications, or otherwise resolve foreclosure issues, and failed to communicate with them on the status of their case. The company responds by disputing allegations of non-performance. They contend that their contract is based on hourly fees, or flat rates and not on performance. In some cases partial refunds are offered. One complaint is unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.
Click the links above for Kramer & Kazlow's BBB Report and Reviews.
Have you tried calling a HUD-approved nonprofit housing counselor? You can speak with a certified counselor by calling 888-995-4673. They can evaluate your housing options, open lines of communication with mortgage lenders, negotiate a loan modification, and help you with household budgeting, all at no cost.
The California Attorney General's press release on "forensic loan audits" is posted here on TrustLink under New Scams.
Also, check out the "loan modification" tagged questions here on this forum.
and http://www.preventloanscams.org
10/20/2010 12:20 PM (PST)
Hi Erin Thank you for that information,it was very helpful
10/30/2010 8:34 PM (PST)
Note for anyone wants to use Kramer and Kaslow for Loan Mod Don't waste your time or money Take it from me Scammers. Use Someone around your area aand also check them out.
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