Don G.'s review of Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard Entertainment

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 7/20/2011
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Review 7/20/2011
I am an avid gamer and I have played many many games over the years and build my own PC's to play them. In December my wife talked me into buying the World of Warcraft series because she had friends that played it. She bought it and I bought it. I stayed away from World of Warcraft because of the graphics being on the really low side of things and I should have kept doing that. I should have listened to my instincts. A company with the long standing history such as Blizzard should have made WoW a truly unmistakable game. However it is a game that is rather lacking in many areas and really looks its age. It shows what kind of company Blizzard is. It is willing to take the money but not willing to give the customer what they want in the game. Blizzard is large enough to not care and it shows in it's customer service department. In game service can run a long time and resolved in the most inconvenient of times (during raids dungeons etc). But that is Blizzard in a nutshell. They are not about convenience at all and it took me to report my problem to the BBB to get a refund in the end. As a customer I do not find it amusing when they charge you $25 for a character transfer to another server and it in itself shows what kind of company they are as other similar one's such as Trion' RIFT does it for free. I really do not know what happened to Blizzard since the days of "Diablo". "Warcraft" and the like but they are definitely not the same company they used to be. Buyer beware. ***EDIT 11-07-22*** Received my refunds as I had asked. Maybe they read this report. I do not know. In the end they did the right thing and gave me my refund for the character transfer and my time not used. I am happy that they took a more honorable approach to help please the customer. For this I am upping the rating. Sure they were late to the plate but it better then never.
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