Review 4/22/2011
Company uses Craiglist (and maybe other sites) for spamming. Employees place fake ads on Craigslist, when you contact the seller about item you are interested in, they send you a response saying that they already sold it but you can get it for really cheap at bidsell.com. They even have a link in the email. I've contacted two different sellers at craigs list and got the exact word-for-word response saying the item was sold but I should try the bidsell site. They also contact sellers and pretend they want to buy an item. When the seller responds, they respond back pretending to be a married couple that gives advice about how to start you own business by buying and selling items form bidsell.com. I say that any company that has to use these unethical tactics is very shady and deserves to be shut down. Stay away!! File complaints!! Someone needs to stop them. Hopefully they don't get to keep all the money they've ripped off.