P L.'s review of Quality Tune-Up #4

Quality Tune-Up #4

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/9/2010
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Review 2/9/2010
These guys are worth zero stars. This place is a huge scam and operating under illegal and unethical business practices. I temporarily relocated from SF to here and was no longer using Advanced VW/Audi since '09. This one is owned independently which means they can charge and rip you off however they see to it and you won't realize it at the time. My 1st visits started as oil and light bulb changes then I got lazy and started using them for more expensive services such as a brake job and engine mount (that they said I needed for a noise when hitting the brakes). I spent almost $300 for a botched brake job (confirmed 6 months later from Advanced that the brakes weren't aligned properly and calipers installed incorrectly) and $550+ for the latter which still didn't fix the noise. I was so pissed. Unfortunately, I had to spend another $355 at Advanced to fix Quality's big-time botch job. I tried to get at least part of my money back and they denied anything that they did was wrong and tried to make me seem like I was mistaken and irrational. Not only that, I showed them my $500 receipt for the mount job and they reprinted the same receipt today but with a lesser price (almost $100 less). What's up with that? Why the discrepancy? I also asked one guy (the brother who runs the cash register) to verify a price on a part and asked why it was so expensive and he refused to look up the price on the computer and gave me this BS about the price including the labor. (It was 4 parts for $95 and I got charged $250.) Also, when I tried to use a coupon mailer for an oil change months ago, they said they'd honor it. I told them to hang on to it and when it was time to pay, they lost it and charged me the regular price. When I asked about what happened to the coupon, they said they didn't know where it was and "We'll give you a discount the next time." (Why would you assume I want to come in next time?)

When I was at Quality last month, even an old-timer customer there said he would never trust these guys for more expensive jobs. He said they seemed "young and inexperienced." Exactly. Not to sound racist but the shop is owned and run by two Middle-Eastern brothers. Plus, all of the techs are very young kids and of other races and they mostly just stand around doing nothing. They're all a bunch of crooked idiots. Very unethical and questionable business/operative tactics and extremely unprofessional. Price gouging, lying, failure to take responsibility, disrespectful, defensiveness, and they will argue with you (especially the brother who runs the register). I am a female too and they could care less. Please take it from me. You'll make a very huge mistake and do a massive disservice to yourself if you come here. You're better off staying with your shop now (if you have a good one you trust). I'm about to pursue this legally against them.

Update 2/7/10: Tried to resolve all these issues with the owner and he refused to give me any money back saying, "The money has already been paid." What does that mean to me, your customer? So what if it's been paid? He offered to do more work on my car and offered to compromise only on his terms which I didn't want. Meanwhile, there was a small crowd of customers who arrived witnessing what was happening. I stated I didn't want any further work done since I wasn't satisfied with their service, I got overcharged/ripped-off, and wanted to be reimbursed. The owner refused and I wasn't willing to keep wasting my time arguing with a crook. He was unconcerned with the legal action I mentioned I would pursue when I left. I also saw him answer the phone during the middle of this and actually tell a customer, "Can you call back later?" and he hung up on the person. I'm reporting these guys to the Better Business Bureau and the Quality headquarters asap. Beware and stay far away from this place!!!
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Hours   Phone   (408) 377-4764 Address   3146 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95124
Website   http://www.qualitytune-up.com Email  
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